Sunday, April 18, 2010


Dear Readers!

It is but a gift and a curse that Your Fearless Leader has terribly high expectations for the production of most things in life! A gift, yes, as high standards drive us to excellence. A curse, yes, also, as we are Destined for Disappointment (the original double D).

I present to you the latest in our collection of Special Shortcomings ("Special" pronounced as in "species" but with suffix "-ial", as in "of or applying to our species"):
  1. There is no verb yet for the act of looking something up in the Dictionary! (And don't get me started on the Thesaurus.)
  2. The word Globish has another pronunciation: Globlish!
  3. Soy lattes are still awful!
  4. There is no word "special" in the sense described herein.
Friends, Readers, Confidants: Let not these troubles cause you sadness. We shall rise up; only, of course, to be disappointed further.

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